Avner Kantor – THATCamp Haifa 2014 http://haifa2014.thatcamp.org Just another THATCamp site Tue, 23 Jan 2018 08:49:38 +0000 he-IL hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=4.9.12 Workshop Proposal – ebook converter http://haifa2014.thatcamp.org/2014/02/14/workshop-proposal-ebook-converter/ http://haifa2014.thatcamp.org/2014/02/14/workshop-proposal-ebook-converter/#comments Fri, 14 Feb 2014 11:21:44 +0000 http://haifa2014.thatcamp.org/?p=328 להמשיך לקרוא ]]>

Convert Ben-Yehuda's files to epub and kindle formats, that will help the public (me) reading project's literature.

Workshop stages:

1. First converting from word format to MultiMarkDown format. Assaf already made a parser for this using Ruby – github.com/abartov/bybeconv.  You should look carefully in the script here. You can create Ruby environment on Linux by the following command: \curl -sSL get.rvm.io | bash -s stable –rails.  (thanks again to Assaf).

2. Develop converter of MultiMarkDown to epub and kindle formats, probably there is open source code for this.

3. Build a website for automatic process based on given url.

4. Help Assaf combine this feature in Ben-Yehuda website.


http://haifa2014.thatcamp.org/2014/02/14/workshop-proposal-ebook-converter/feed/ 2